OneEyedMonster remindes us about the crap you can buy in pound shops: "Batteries that lasted about an hour and then died. A screwdriver with a loose handle so I couldn't turn the damn screw, and a tape measure which wasn't at all accurate."
Similarly, my neighbour bought a lawnmower from Argos that was so cheap the wheels didn't go round, it sort of skidded over the grass whilst gently back-combing it.
What's the cheapest, most useless crap you've bought?
( , Fri 4 Jan 2008, 7:26)
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there's a department store in Falmouth called Trago Mills which is an emporium of tat. Purchased items include:
a spanner that snapped on the first turn, cutting my hand open.
A cassete tape that played backwards.
A pair of shoes that stank like tramp's piss when they got wet, and the crowning item of crapness:
coal that didn't burn.
I mean, the basic function of coal is to burn isn't it?
If you're ever in Falmouth, take a trip to Trago Mills - it's an experience.
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 9:22, 8 replies)

And the owner is a prime nutcase. Full-page ad in the local (Exeter) freebie paper every week, which *always* contains a small box with a fantastically unhinged anti-EU, anti-political correctness, anti-immigrant, pro-UKIP rant...
According to Wikipedia, he's also homophobic. You learn something new every day, not that that one is particularly surprising.
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 10:04, closed)

..but thus far I've managed to avoid it.
Non-burning coal sounds like a great money-saving idea. Good for the environment, too!
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 10:19, closed)

It's a wondrous thing. You really should visit it - there's far too few truly unique shops in the world, and Trago Mills really has to be seen to be believed. The man is a loon of the first order. We go to the one round Liskeard way quite often for the sheer jaw-dropping awfulness of it.
Nice restaurant, though.
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 11:39, closed)

I think in the year I spent in Falmouth I went in Trago Mills once. I bought a roasting tin which ended up in the bin before it could ever be used.
I'm pretty sure that there's one near Liskeard on the A38. Which is even bigger and filled with even more tat than either the one in Falmouth or in Newton Abbot.
And if anyone wants to know where Trago Mills is in Falmouth, just head down towards the docks. It's right at the end of the street with the Toymaster on, overlooking the harbour.
Edit - you also have to check out the 2nd hand shop which is just off the same street (up a hill). It's got even more tat in than Trago Mills!
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 11:57, closed)

It was the bane of my childhood. I spent a lot of my summers down in Cornwall, and I must have traipsed round that bloody place a million times.
I hate it. HATE IT. What kind of parents take their child there when they are supposed to be on bloody holiday.
I'd burn the place down if I thought I could get away with it. Grrr.
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 12:34, closed)

Ah Trago Mills...
When I used to go on holiday to Falmouth with my parents in the 70s and 80s I got dragged round it too.
The worst thing I got there was a pair of GREEN trainers. Hideous!
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 12:35, closed)

Although as I was about 6 I remember it being this huge place with loads of cool toys, although we had to trapse round all the tools and garden stuff first! Somewhat surprised it's still going actually!
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 13:15, closed)

You can get decent stuff there, esp DIY stuff. My front door is from Trago...
Also at the Newton Abbot one, when our ducks muliplied a bit too much we used to dump the excess ones there in the pond.
They probably used to wonder where all these muscovy ducks suddenly appeared from. Last time I was there, they (or their descendants) are still there.
( , Mon 7 Jan 2008, 18:14, closed)
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