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Home » Question of the Week » Spoooky Coincidence » Post 71751 | Search
This is a question Spoooky Coincidence

B3ta's very own Fraser was once a cycle courier. On one job out to docklands his radio gave out, so he had to find a public phonebox to ring back to base.

He'd just located one when it began to ring. Picking it up, it was (obviously) a wrong number, but Fraser recognised the voice. Turned out it was a mate of his he hadn't seen for ages.

What spoooky* coincidences have you encountered?

* spoooky should always have three o's. 100% fact

(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 14:07)
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watch out!
Not me but a friend. He got an engraved watch from his parents for his 21st but lost it couple of years later while out on a drunken binge. He had no idea where or how he'd lost it and looked everywhere he'd been: the pub, the park, the lost property at the bus depot. No luck.

Then a year or so later, he was on holiday with some mates in Ibiza. They were snorkelling in the shallow water and one of his mates found a watch lying on the sand. They looked at it and saw that it was exactly the kind my friend had lost.

At that moment, some guy walks up and says, "Oh you've found me watch. Cheers, mate."

"Oh," says my friend, "you must be Steve."
"Er, no. My name's John", holding his hand out for the watch.
"Well name's Frankspencer's Mate and it says on the back of this watch: 'Many happy returns on your 21st, Frankspencer's Mate.' So I'll be taking my watch back, John."

And he did.
(, Fri 9 Feb 2007, 16:31, Reply)

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