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Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."

My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.

What stuff do you think is common?

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
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I've got a cold
They're quite common, and I'm not posh enough to have gout.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:03, 9 replies)
Gout? Posh?
Mr Pooflake and I would disagree.

Unless he is actually the Duke of Westminster in a very convincing disguise.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:06, closed)
I couldn't think of another posh disease
any ideas?
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:07, closed)
I'm the queen actually...

So it's a cunting brilliant desguise!

Also, I went to the quack this week and have been put on some tabloids that are meant to sort me out so I never get gout again...


*touches wood*

(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 10:30, closed)
My dad's had gout
and he's not posh.

What about Legionnaire's disease? The only person I know who's had that is quite well-to-do.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:53, closed)
Or maybe Vagitis gravis.
That's the name for being a severely irritating cunt.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 22:01, closed)
Gout was know as the 'Rich Man's Disease...

Because the Uric acid is highest in 'rich' foods, and things like real Ale.

Ironically, I investigated a bit and it turns out that food and drink nowadays is so full of chemical substitues and additive crap that it's no longer cut and dry what causes it.

Incidentally, I get gout because I have a kidney wasting disease which means I don't properly piss the acid away...but don't get me wrong, I'm right fucking proper posh, me.

*straightens flat cap*
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 10:35, closed)
I was diagnosed with gout...
A few months ago - bloody painful I can tell you
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 10:57, closed)
i get gout in my big toe
it's not posh, it's damn painful.
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 21:13, closed)
I know someone who got gout
from drinking too much Buckfast.
(, Sat 18 Oct 2008, 20:50, closed)

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