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This is a question The B3TA Confessional

With the Pope about to visit the UK, what better time to unburden yourself of anything that's weighing on your mind by posting it on the internet? Pay particular attention to the Seven Deadly Sins of lust, greed, envy, pride, posting puns on the QOTW board and the other ones. Top story gets to kneel before His Holiness's noodly appendage, or something

(, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 12:47)
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I can't tell if this is a confession or not..
Or something I wish I could have acted differently at the time.. A mere 2 hours ago. It's really quite pathetic, but I think it just isn't my character. And I hate upsetting anybody.

My [now] local Supermarket gets incredibly busy at the peak times, and getting out of the car park gets unimaginably difficult as everything gets backed up. I was on the main "road" as it were, which runs through the centre and all the adjacent junctions were queueing patiently as was I. One cheeky lady had started turning out of her junction and had her bonnet over the line and queueing so she'd established she was coming out regardless if I let her or not. Fair do's, I would have done the same, and I am somewhat a reserved driver, and I try and let 1 person in before I proceed to do my part and I'm always thankful when people let me in. Anyway, after the queue I was in started moving, the woman hovering over the line merged fully with the queue and I had my moved my car firmly over the junction and waited patiently to be allowed to inch closer to the manic round-a-bout. I heard a short beep, and had a look around out of curiosity. I made eye contact with an elderly lady [in her 60's] with a face like a slapped arse staring evils at me waiting at the junction I blocked. She started doing some pathetic hand gesturing and mouthing along some frowning. I took no hesitation to sticking two fingers up at her and looking straight froward and proceeded to let the other cars waiting patiently at the other junctions to be let out [Nb. Only 1 car par junction was let out].
The old lady in the car, now behind me, gave a few head shakes, and then proceeded to raise her middle finger all viewed from my interior mirror. At the time, I laughed as it genuinely amused me seeing a little old lady having some fighting spirit in her, and then I noticed a Christian cross hanging from her mirror. With my window open, listening to Radio 3 [without a shadow or irony I may add] I stuck my head out and yelled to her "How very Christian of you!". She proceeded to mouth something which I didn't pay any attention to as the queue started moving again and picked up enough pace for me to turn off and leaving her most definitely upset.

However, I want to change how that all transpired. I wanted to explain to her two things:

A) I already let somebody out of that junction and it's called "being patient". If I let everyone down that junction out, I would have annoyed the cars behind me as we were ALL moving only inches per minute.

B) I had priority. Who I let in at MY discretion is my choice.

My justification? I am quite a reserved person and I never initiate any confrontations. When someone confronts me, I tend to clam up and brush it off as I genuinely cannot be bothered with hassle and aggravation, and just let the other person think they've made their point and move on. Just once, I didn't want to take any shit from anyone when I didn't do anything wrong.

Not a confession, just a regret.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 19:29, 8 replies)
To be quite honest
I've had other drivers yell way worse than that and you acted fairly enough. Even Christians are people and need knocking down a peg or two on occasion! I wouldn't worry about it.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 19:45, closed)
Nah fuck her...
Grumpy old cunt should get over herself. I bet the old bitch is retired and therefore has nowhere better to fucking go.
I, for the most part, scrupulously follow the "zip fastener" system, one out from each side.. woe betide the cheeky twat that tries to sneak out after I've already let that side of the zip out.
Oh and Christians?? They're the fucking worst. Think because they've got an imaginary friend it makes them better than the rest of us. Religious types and tolerance don't always go together, do they??
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 20:00, closed)
I quite agree....
and think that the OP should have got out and shat on her bonnet instead.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 20:39, closed)
^ Yes ^
Two overlapping logs in the shape of a cross.

And after some careful butt scrunching, a poop Jesus to go on top of it.
(, Wed 1 Sep 2010, 9:27, closed)
Well, you'd be grumpy....
...if the last time you'd been fucked it was in black and white and you spent most afternoons with a piss filled Tena Lady hanging out of your knickers.

Fuck her, she'll be dead soon anyway, and her grandkids all think she smells.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 22:18, closed)
Well, I'm pleased
that everyone seems to agree with me. I know it was a bit of a pathetic story, but it was one of those that really annoyed me.

Sour faced old cunt.
(, Wed 1 Sep 2010, 8:13, closed)
Why is it...
that old people feel it necessary to go shopping at peak times anyway?
(, Wed 1 Sep 2010, 11:50, closed)

I think you'll find they are better than us.


Or at least due preferential treatment for being so unquestioning. After all, why should an assault leading to a 'mild' fracture caught on camera be classed the same for us non-believers.

Surely Cherie Blairs' logic is skewed. The punishment, if anything, should be doubled because he knew what he was doing was wrong. Both in law and in his Gods eyes.

I think running away was the most courageous part.
(, Wed 1 Sep 2010, 16:27, closed)

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