Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
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A bit over four years ago, I needed open heart surgery to repair a defective mitral valve. Three "creepy" things:
1) Two nights before the operation, I was sleeping in my bed. I woke up around 2am, and standing at the foot of my bed was my ex-wife. There were several strange things about this; firstly, I was living about 8,000 miles away from where she lived, in Sydney. Secondly, she had died eighteen months earlier. And finally, she was dressed in her "going away" outfit from our wedding, 25 years previously, and appeared as if she was the young, attractive 19 year old that she was when we were married. She spoke to me - "Don't worry, we will be back together soon." I knew I wasn't dreaming - I could hear other sounds, saw my (current) wife sleeping next to me.
2) Just after the operation, when I was in the ICU recovery area, tubes stuck in me (ever tried peeing in a tube stuck up your jap's eye?) it was shift change for the ICU nurses. There was one nurse for every two beds - and my nurse was briefing her replacement. After she told the new nurse what had been done to me, she said "They had a lot of trouble starting him up again." - referring to the point in the open heart surgery when once your heart is back inside your chest, and they have reconnected all the blood vessels and all that stuff, they get the little paddles to zap in back into pumping. That filled me with no end of confidence....
3) The next evening, now in a normal (single person) hospital room, I was trying to sleep. My chest hurt like buggery - after all, I had been assaulted by a doctor wielding a circular saw, had a vital organ pulled out... you get the picture. And I still was peeing through a plastic tube. A creature appeared at the end of my bed, long fingers, pale white skin, looking like the classical undead. He reached out towards me, and said "We missed getting you this time, but we will be back." Behind him, there was a progression of spirit like forms crossing from my room to the corridor.
I didn't sleep well for the rest of the week. But a pleasant highlight was when a young, attractive nurse removed the catheter from my old fella.... (sadly, the length wasn't up to his usual extent)
( , Tue 12 Apr 2011, 16:49, 6 replies)

You're dead and I'm Gene Hunt and you're nicked.
( , Tue 12 Apr 2011, 16:52, closed)

That was something that pissed me off incredibly - the sudden axing of the US version of Life on Mars.
( , Tue 12 Apr 2011, 17:07, closed)

The original '70s cop shows were annoying enough with the "edgy" portrayal of police officers too stupid to do things by the book. Making a modern version and making it all a fucking dream could only be due to a lazy screenwriter with a Sweeny complex.
( , Tue 12 Apr 2011, 17:48, closed)

What bothered me about my catheter removal was the nurse(a big helga of a woman)walking away with what can only be described as a 2 litre bag of tizer.i was too scared to piss for hours!!
( , Tue 12 Apr 2011, 20:52, closed)
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