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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Role reversal
Despite my generally mild mannered nature, I can get riled sometimes. It takes a lot and there are usually extenuating circumstances, but when it happens, it's not pleasant. This is one such instance - me becoming a customer from hell, but with some justification.

So, Argos, Christmas Eve, 2000. Me and the ex are trying to buy a cheapish midi system for her mum, who's tape player had decided to blow up. We thought that, as a late Christtmas present we'd get her a new system. She hasn't yet graduated to CDs, but we thought we'd get her a CD / tape player. Found one in the catalogue that fitted the bill, placed the order and went to collect it from the desk.

Five minutes later a box is handed over. We're about to leave the store, when I noticed the picture on the box. It's the wrong one, but more importantly, it doesn't have a tape deck on it. No good for the outlaw, who has mostly tapes at home. So I went back to the desk. "Excuse me," I said, "we appear to have been given the wrong model".

"Yes, the model you ordered is out of stock and we reserve the right to give you an alternate, but comparable, model instead. That one is actually a better spec anyway".

"That might be the case, but this one doesn't have a tape deck".

"Well, they are becoming obsolete, you know".

"Not to my mother in law they're not", I replied, "This is a present for her and she has mostly tapes. Can I at least swap this for a model with a tape deck?"

"We can't do that I'm afraid".

"Why not?"

"Because the next model with a tape deck is £10 more expensive".

"And? I'll pay the difference".

"It's actually a bit complicated to do that".

"I don't see why".

"It just is".

I was becoming very irate by this point. "Look, regardless of that, this isn't what I want. It's no good to the person it's meant for, because it hasn't got a tape deck. If I can't have one with a tape deck on it, then can I return this and get a refund instead?"

"I can't do that".

"WHAT?" I asked in disbelief. "Can I see the manager please?"

Manager trots out, and I explain the situation; however the dozy tart is obviously not listening properly and states "We reserve the right to give you a comparable model if the model you ordered isn't in stock."

Seething slightly by now, I explain in my best English, "yes, but this isn't a comparable model; if it were it would have a tape deck. It doesn't, therefore it can hardly be comparable, can it?" My voice was getting louder and louder by this point, much to my ex's apparent embarrassment. "If I'd wanted just a CD player I would have bought one, however, I DON'T WANT A BLOODY CD PLAYER, I WANT ONE WITH A BLOODY TAPE DECK AS WELL! DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND? Either give me a refund on this one, or let me pay an extra £10 for a model that meets the needs of the customer."

They gave me a refund, and I went next door to Comet instead. Where I found a perfect model that was actually cheaper than the one I'd ordered next door anyway.

I'm not proud of losing my temper in a busy shop, but honestly, the staff were fucking clueless.

Merry Fucking Christmas.
(, Sun 7 Sep 2008, 15:57, 2 replies)
ah, you assume argos is merely a commercial concern
its actually a front for a secret global commission who try and assimilate alien lifeforms into human society

unfortunately it seems most of these aliens have been punted off their own rock for being complete fucktards

elizabeth duke is actually their leader

(, Sun 7 Sep 2008, 16:20, closed)
you may have a point there...
(, Sun 7 Sep 2008, 16:23, closed)

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