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Home » Question of the Week » The Dark » Post 490248 | Search
This is a question The Dark

17,000 writes: Everything bad happens in the dark. Tell us your stories of noises and bumps in the night, power cuts, blindfolds and cinema fumbling.

(, Thu 23 Jul 2009, 15:49)
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Fucking cats
Was it just me or did everyone else have a mild heart attack the first time they heard cats prowling of a night?
They sounded liked a demonic baby crying. ......

First time i heard them i was around 13, i was so scared my whole body shook and i couldn't sleep cause my heart was beating so fast. All the possiblee scenarios raced through my mind, each failing to explain what this demon child like screaming was.
Cue major embaressment the next moring when my parents explained it was just the cats in the drive way
I slept with the window closed for the next 6 months, all through a awefully hot Australian summer.

click if you think there should be some sort of international demonic cat awwarness program for kids,


(apologies for spelling, using mmy phoone)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 2:59, 3 replies)
I too was convinced someone was being murdered in a forest close to our house. I, as a naive 10 year old heard the bloodcurdling screams within the woody depths.

Being the caring parent that my father is, he immediately milked it for everything it was worth and told me that the screams where the ghosts of 2 children who were murdered by their mother over a hundred years ago.

Naturally, this went round the school like wildefire the next day, courtesy of yours truly, and, although I was made to look a complete fool by anybody over school age, I was quite a hit with my classmates for discovering a 'ghost' in our local forest.

I also did'nt sleep properly for months.

Cheers Dad (I think..)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 11:37, closed)
i was in such a perpetual state of fear, i literally didnt move a muscle till morning
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 14:33, closed)
You'd just love the birds they have in Rockhampton.
They sound something like a mixture of a cat being tortured or a baby dying. Even after being warned about them it's still a rather disturbing noise to be woken by.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 21:10, closed)

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