My current dentist is called Mr Stiff.
Back when I was at university though, I had enormous pain in my jaw one morning - so bad I went as an emergency case to the uni dentist.
He took one look at the back of my mouth and said, "Ah, wisdom teeth. Impacted. They'll have to come out."
He then reached under the chair and came out with an enormous industrial (and entirely non-dental) pair of pliers, "I can do it now if you want..."
( , Thu 2 Nov 2006, 14:31)
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Sorry this is a bit long
A couple of years ago while at uni I developed an intense pain in my mouth, I did what all sensible people would do, I took painkillers and ignored it. After a few weeks of nagging by my gf the final straw came when one whole side of my face swelled up massively - I looked like I was related to the elephant man. So I trotted off to the dentists who told me that he couldn't do anything because the swelling was too bad, he prescribed me antibiotics and sent me on my way. A few weeks later after clearing out the local Tesco’s painkiller aisle I was back. He informed me that I had two abscesses in my mouth, one on each side, and scheduled me for an appointment the following week.
This is where the bad started to happen.
He had decided to give me two root canal jobs ( for the people that don't know this means drilling out all of the inside of the tooth down to the root and stuffing it with fillings), which was fair enough I thought. But rather than sort them out in one or two sessions he decided that he would schedule me a twenty minute session every two weeks till the end of time. Each session he would inject me a few times with anesthetic in the roof of my normally ( that am the nasty ) , pick one of the teeth at random and start drilling for about ten minutes then fill the hole up again with temporary filling and top up the other one. The problem with this was that the temporary stuff tended to wear out in about a week so I was left with the shell of a tooth for the next. After a while he started to bore out my roots with what looked like a miniature torture kit, and started to stop giving me anesthetic because there wasn’t time.
At around this time the inevitable happened and one of my teeth got a lump of food in (once the temporary stuff had worn down) and broke, I heard a crunch opened my mouth and a lump of tooth the size of my thumbnail came out of my mouth, I nearly shat. I rang up and they told me not to worry and to come in when I was scheduled to. So I turned up and he gave me the rare grace of anesthetic and then told the nurse to hold me down at which point he just pulled out the tooth that hadn’t broken. I was stunned I went home and prepared myself for the next appointment. When I turned up he told me that the broken tooth was too bad to save now and needed to come out. So in go the needles and out came the pliers, the problem was that the tooth was too weak now to come out in one so he kept just puling bits and pieces out. So out comes the drill and goes down the hole where the top of my tooth was to drill the roots apart. Then out comes what I swear were heavy duty wire snips and with a soul shuddering snap he cuts the roots apart, which he pulled apart with needle nose pliers.
I now have two gaps in my mouth, and am too scared to go and get something done about them.
( , Fri 3 Nov 2006, 10:16, Reply)
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