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This is a question Dentists

My current dentist is called Mr Stiff.

Back when I was at university though, I had enormous pain in my jaw one morning - so bad I went as an emergency case to the uni dentist.

He took one look at the back of my mouth and said, "Ah, wisdom teeth. Impacted. They'll have to come out."

He then reached under the chair and came out with an enormous industrial (and entirely non-dental) pair of pliers, "I can do it now if you want..."

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 14:31)
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I was going to post....
... about skateboard accidents, crooked teeth, and the three years of face pain and sleepness nights from braces inflicted on me by a nuerotic mother who had a dentist for a dad and a consequent want for me to have "nice" teeth. Then I was going to complain that my teeth all went back to how they were.

Oh... I have... bugger.

Turns out that my teeth went back to their pre brace state because my wisdom teeth are growning forwards, pushing all my teeth to the front of my jaw.

When I went to have my wisdom teeth removed, the first thing the maxilofacial surgeon (it was that bad) said to me was "Have you seen Marathon Man?". Which I had. I didn't find his "joke" funny.

It was also the day after the clocks changed, I hadn't changed the time on my phone (slack like that). So I thought I'd been operated on for an hour longer than I should have been.

Then the computer at the hospital dispensary broke, so they couldn't give me my oh so lovely painkillers until my face really hurt.

Couldn't drink, couldn't smoke, in pain. Nice.

Edit: Big up the Kersal McMissive... I hope you got an "Immune to facial torture" badge after that!
(, Thu 9 Nov 2006, 11:32, Reply)

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