Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."
Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.
What's disappointed you lot?
null points for 'This QOTW'
( , Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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feeling consistently underwhelmed is a national past-time. If we're not failing yet again to qualify for some international sporting tournament or other, we're dealing with political infighting and shitty weather. We're a nation of complaining individuals under the burden of constant disappointment.
But i'll still detail my biggest disappointment for your amusement.
Scottish women.
I've yet to meet a women in this country who has managed to be both attractive and intellectually engaging. There is a rule applicable here: "Attractive, mentally sound, single - pick two".
Because if they are, they're not single. My greatest disappointment is that i always get there too late - they've been snapped up by some lucky sonofabitch.
*has an emo moment*
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 12:43, 30 replies)

Being Scottish, I will admit to feeling underwhelmed to the point that I'm fairly rarely disappointed by anything undertaken in its name.
Anyway, using slightly skewed logic, you could say that pessimists are the happiest people; 99% of the time we're right and the other 1% we're pleasantly surprised.
This is what passes for profundity in my head.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 12:49, closed)

The two out of three thing is so true. There are loads who fit two of the criteria, but precious few with all three. Probably because, if they possess the first two attributes, the third one soon disappears.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 12:51, closed)

I went to a wedding in Scotland this weekend. The groom is Scottish and the bride is English.
Also, towards the end of the evening, the groom's father spent about half an hour telling me how much in love with me he is ("Och, ye're my kind o' lassie! Yoorrr just the type of gurrul I like!", and another half an hour alternating between telling an amused mr tulip how lucky he was ("Ye jammie sassenach bastarrrd!") and devising methods of luring me away from mr tulip ("Ye wouldnae laike tae come back tae ma rrruuum, would ye?), all whilst drinking whisky. I spent the next half an hour trying to escape, greatly hindered by my vastly swollen, English head scraping along the corridor.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 13:01, closed)

Ah, the florid Borders burr. How I miss it.
I've almost lost mine to Yorkshiredom. I tend to say "fook" these days.
*edit* although I did say Midomer Murrdurrrs the other week when I was covering my mate and mc'ing our local pub quiz, to much hilarity.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 13:03, closed)

See, that's exactly the problem. Mr Tulip got there first.
(Disregarding the whole nationality thing. You live in Scotland. That's good enough!)
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 13:32, closed)

We're not just pessimists, we're very practical too. My solution? Married a London lass after a particularly satisfying Border raid.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 13:37, closed)

*accepts with thanks*
But I don't think one can have a single stovie. That would be like having a gravy. Or a mince.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 14:32, closed)

To watch you have a mince.
*almost 0.6p
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 14:33, closed)

As a single Scottish female, I rather hope your pick two rule isn't true. Hmmm.... :(
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:01, closed)

That's precisely why I don't live there anymore. I always overlooked the middle attribute, hence enjoyed years of either a) having to stop them killing themselves, b) having to stop them killing me, c) having to stop them sneakily getting pregnant without discussing it with me, d)having to stop them crying every time they were about to have an orgasm (!)!)!) - no worse passion killer exists as far as I'm concerned). Fun times.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:15, closed)

It makes me nostalgic for my childhood.
Staying at mum's friend's house in Melrose, sleeping in the wee caravan outside their house plowing through ancient Oor Wullie and Broons annuals.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:34, closed)

Aw! But you can't beat Oor Wullie and the Broons. The annuals are just ace. It's something you should never grow out of.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:43, closed)

They lived across the road from The Greenyards, so if we could somehow get onto their roof we could watch the rugby free. Happy days indeed!
They followed roughly 4 basic plots on heavy rotation, usually The Bairn getting the wrong end of the stick about something Granpa's getting up to. Queue hysteria, realisation, "Ye daft auld gowk!" etc.
That was half the charm really.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:44, closed)

an awesome childhood!
I do love rugby.
It usually is the simplest things in life that are the best!
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:45, closed)

I agree.
I had an essentially simple, but very happy upbringing.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:50, closed)

Lots of playing outside, and make-believe, and building sandcastles, or dens, or digging holes....
Happy times.
God, I feel old now!
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:55, closed)

I feel old. I turn 28 next Tuesday and I wonder where it went. Seems yesterday I was 18 and starting uni.
*weeps for youth*
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:59, closed)

I've seen your profile pic. You're 17. come on admit it.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:01, closed)

I've just aged well!
You're never wrong side of 30, I've seen your pic too.
You should see my brother; 26, greying hair, big ginger beard, still looks 12.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:06, closed)

That ain't old! You have to be at least 29 to be old.
And many happy returns for next tuesday!
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:12, closed)

actually, 80 is old.
no-one here is 80.
therefore, no-one here is old.
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:14, closed)

That's mean! You'll be old too someday.
You're welcome
*hugs back*
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:27, closed)

*runs off laughing*
( , Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:28, closed)
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