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This is a question Dodgy work ethics

Chthonic asks: What's the naughtiest thing a boss has ever asked you to do? And did you do it? Or perhaps you are the boss and would like to confess.

(, Thu 7 Jul 2011, 13:36)
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My boss used to work for a chemical company that was more than a little tight-fisted when it came to its employees' welfare.
To get chemicals for the lab you had to sample them from 500 lb drums in the warehouse, which were often stacked two layers high. If you wanted something on top layer, you had to clamber onto the bottom layer and manipulate the desired drum while standing on top of another drum. This was because the management didn't think the fairly small price for a much safer set of movable steps was a worthwhile expense.

One day, her boss was doing these dangerous acrobatics and a deceptively sturdy-looking drum gave way beneath him, dousing everything up to his elbows in concentrated sulphuric acid before he even had time to react. As a result, he was hospitalised with severe burns and had to spend nearly a year off work recovering.

Now this was in the days before health and safety legislation, so not only was there no legal obligation for the company to have a system of accountability and responsibility that might have helped prevent future accidents, the management's response was basically "make sure drums are safe before you climb on them" and this was legally OK. And even after this incident, movable steps were still considered to be a waste of money.

The worst thing happened a few years later when the company started making redundancies, and in that department her boss was first in line for the door and got kicked out almost straight away. The reason? He'd taken nearly a year off sick.
(, Tue 12 Jul 2011, 23:32, 7 replies)
My boss?
her boss?
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 8:31, closed)
We all scream for ice cream?

(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 8:48, closed)
We all scream...
...because we're up to our elbows in sulphuric acid
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 11:19, closed)
make a shit fixed reference point
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 11:28, closed)
This is
one of the finest responses to a story ever.
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 15:25, closed)
The waist then.
God, you're such a troll.
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 21:59, closed)
Was her boss 'The Joker'?
(, Wed 13 Jul 2011, 14:11, closed)

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