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Home » Question of the Week » It's not me, it's the drugs talking » Post 45862 | Search
This is a question It's not me, it's the drugs talking

They make you do stupid stuff and say stupid stuff. Drugs ROCK! Old-time B3ta person Fraser says, "I remember turning to a flatmate once, after getting stoned and sitting through an episode of Casualty, and proclaiming "Wow! Those actors are *so* talented!". And really meaning it."

What do you regret doing under the influence?

(, Thu 15 Dec 2005, 11:19)
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The drugs do work (Too well)
Memorable LSD moments, one was a group us going to the local lakes whilst tripping on Purple Ohms, taking 2 sets of Thai Boxing pads with us and then proceeding to have full contact fights by moonlight, no-one was hurt and it looked amazing. The other was on a very powerfule Neon blotter where the sculpted carpet had 3 foot high ridges and the wallpaper turned to snakskin. We ended up at the local park and played football(Soccer for the US)it was pitch black and we couldnt see the ball until it was a foot from our faces but we still were quick enough to avoid it. The house we had started the trip off in had never been decorated since the 1970's and in the cold light of day there were patterns everywhere.
I'm all clean now after getting a bit *edgy on hash.
*edgy = stabby.
(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 11:31, Reply)

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