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This is a question The Emergency Services

Tell us your tales of the police, ambulance workers, firefighters, and - dammit - the coastguard

(, Thu 16 May 2013, 11:33)
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In all fairness here, it doesn't really matter WHAT sterile trolley you take your sterile dressings from..
...but you'll look less of a berk if you properly prep your trolley first.
(, Thu 16 May 2013, 22:37, 1 reply)
Yeah, open dressings are still sterile, and they couldn't have been touched by the other nurse...no way no how.
I spent a few years working in a lab, producing monoxenic and axenic cultures and know exactly what good sterile procedure looks like, and that wasn't it.
(, Thu 16 May 2013, 22:48, closed)
Why would the second nurse have gone out of his/her way to touch all the other swabs in the pack too?

(, Thu 16 May 2013, 22:58, closed)
The nurse gets various bits of bacteria laden material on her gloves as she's cleaning the infected wounds.
As she's picking up dressings etc off the once sterile tray, she's inadvertently depositing infected material onto the tray, and say the top swab left on the tray.

My nurse then picks up that swab, and rubs it into my wound, including the open fracture.
(, Thu 16 May 2013, 23:12, closed)
Of course proper aseptic technique involves keeping the sterile trolley sterile. The only way she's going to pick up scruddy gauzes is if she's rootling around in the rubbish bags or the bin.

(, Fri 17 May 2013, 0:34, closed)

It is a known fact that pathogens can only flourish with the active assistance of humans. Left to their own devices, they amount to nothing.

No, hang on, that's pandas.
(, Thu 16 May 2013, 23:12, closed)
I've seen the pathogens at Edinburgh Zoo.
(, Fri 17 May 2013, 13:56, closed)

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