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Home » Question of the Week » Famous people I hate » Post 630793 | Search
This is a question Famous people I hate

Michael McIntyre, says our glorious leader. Everyone loves Michael McIntyre. Even the Daily Mail loves Michael McIntyre. Therefore, he must be a git. Who gets on your nerves?

Hint: A list of names, possibly including the words 'Katie Price' and 'Nuff said' does not an interesting answer make

(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 12:21)
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Online, on digital....
I like Radio 2. I do. I was sad to lose Terry, but everyone has to retire, and actually Evans (who I would have fairly much put as the demigod of this QOTW a few years back) has turned his act around and does a decent job of the brekkie show. However, Radio 2 has two crowning piles of donkey smegma in their lineup.

First off the bat, Sarah Kennedy. This woman clearly has drinking problems, but these are not a patch on the fact that she has the humour and broadcasting abilities of a damp flannel, as well as the kind of casual right-wing biogtry that makes the BNP do a happy dance. The one saving grace about her is that she is on at stuipd-o-clock when very few people have to listen to her bilge.

However, I would happily listen to her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week compared to my next candidate.

Steve Fucking Wright

Never in the history of broadcasting has someone been on radio who is more fucking pleased with himself. There should be a health warning prior to his broadcasts that you may have the urge to rip off your own ears due to the inanely high levels of smug. And his cunting sidekicks? About as funny and as interesting as a colostomy. And I swear to God himself, if I ever meet either the Old Woman or Barry from Watford, I will kill them. To death, and beyond.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:05, 18 replies)

I love this answer so much, I wish I could click it a hundred times.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:08, closed)
maybe my click to your answer
will add another click to the post's total.

Here's hoping!
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 20:57, closed)
Steve Wright is doing the same thing he was on Radio 1
twenty fucking years ago.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:08, closed)
too Wright mate
and the useless bastard cant even DJ properly - every song is given the same amount of airtime, regardless of how long is should actually be. So after 3 minutes or so he just start talking shite over it .. cunt..
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:11, closed)
and does everyone who contacts the bespectacled mong...
...really always add "love the show" to their communique? i think fucking not.

and as for the song-length thing - he never works the timings out properly so has to fill in with that shitty, plasticised seventies lift music.

(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:16, closed)
Sarah Twatting Kennedy
Cannot stand the woman The whole jolly hockey sticks demeanour, coupled with the rank cluelessness about any of the music she plays and total inability to read anything out without stumbling over every other word, makes my brain want to ooze out of my ears.

I’ve said this before, but I would sell my house and family for the chance to bury her headfirst in the sand and kick her repeatedly in the clunge.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 13:29, closed)
Road Trip
From Newcastle to London with a large spade and some hobnail boots for us methinks!
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 14:59, closed)
I'll get the tickets...
You pick up the beer bill. Deal?
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 16:00, closed)
Let me
just pack my disembowelling knives. Can I keep her spleen?
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 16:44, closed)
10:30 from Central Station on Saturday booked.
And I've found a specimin jar for her spleen.
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 16:23, closed)
I do hope...
...that you booked first class. I like to travel in a modicum of comfort when I am off to dismember alcoholic DJ's
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 18:06, closed)
It was once suggested to me...
...that Steve Wright's show was 'The Sun' newspaper on the radio.

Can't say i've ever been able to disagree.

Dross, low-brow shite for the masses.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 14:30, closed)

I quite like Steve Wright. You know what you're getting, it's pleasant-like eating chewits. Never going to blow your mind, but a friendly enough experience.

Sarah Kennedy though...fucking hell
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 17:57, closed)
remember hearing him...
... at the end of the 80's, doing the afternoon show on Radio 1. He had some funny sketches going on with 'pervy' and a load of Arnold Schwarzenegger (sp) stuff. Very funny to a 16 year old idiot like me.

However, he seems to be trying to do the same show over and over, and that's just annoying.

THEN i saw him on The One Show last night and hardly recognised him. Fuck me if he didn't look like some hairy kiddy-fiddler. Shit. I'll seriously avoid him now!
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 10:31, closed)
The 'Big' Show?
The big self important tosser, all the fake cheering and clapping. I'd clap him round the face with a hot iron, that'd raise a few cheers.

Kennedy needs retiring, being smug and aloof for a century has taken its toll on her.

Have a click.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 20:56, closed)
*click for greatness*
I'd forgotten all about Sarah Kennedy. Top marks :D
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 12:46, closed)
this is worth a click.
I get sick and tired listening to him endlessly reading out all the emails from listeners telling him "Great show, Steve!". It's about all he ever does read out. The only good rhing about his show was that it meant that Chris Evans would be starting at some point, but now I've only got Simon Bloody Mayo to look forward to.
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 16:29, closed)
the cunt turns up on the world service as well!
(, Tue 9 Feb 2010, 19:06, closed)

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