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Home » Question of the Week » Sexual fetishes » Post 548970 | Search
This is a question Sexual fetishes

Rubber wetsuits. Knee-high boots. Nuclear-powered clockwork cucumbers. Dressing up as Pingu whilst reading out loud from the works of Dan Brown. What floats your boat? Or what fetishes have you encountered? Suggestion via crackhouseceilidhband.

(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 13:25)
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Eastern Europe
No Asians or "doorty oirish goorls" for me. I am geographically somewhere in between...

I seem to have a fetish for Eastern European women. They have a number of features that individually I find attractive, and as a whole I find incredibly erotic.

- Long top lips - yes, an excess of filtrum does it for me. Funnily enough, on men the same feature becomes a subject of caricature.

- Green eyes. 'Nuff said.

- Tall women, as tall or taller than me, with or without shoes. Tall with long, straight hair is even better. Leaves me breathless, speechless and verging on incoherence. I need a notepad and pencil to communicate, and a bib to mop the drool.

- Oh, and those Eastern European/Russian accents. My reaction when hearing those provocatively stressed syllables and rolling 'r's is much like Jamie Lee Curtis' reactions when John Cleese starts spitting out a bit of Russian in "A Fish Called Wanda"... except that I don't look like her and I don't have a thing for John Cleese. Thankfully.

The icing on the cake is a big set of hoop earrings. I know that in the UK these are concomitant with Chav-ettes, but I accept that this particular identifying feature is a localised exception. Again, thankfully.

OK, enough of my 'serious' approach to answering this QOTW. What else floats my boat? I had a girlfriend many years ago who loved pissing on me in the shower, any chance she had. She used to grin from ear to ear when she did it. Twenty-odd years later I still fantasise about it.

Funnily enough, she was tall, had a long top lip, green eyes and loved wearing hoop earrings...
(, Fri 23 Oct 2009, 12:04, Reply)

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