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This is a question School fights

I don't remember much of the fight - it'd been building for weeks, petty things, knocking over my stuff, calling names - but it didn't last long... He hit me, I hit him, then *whack* he connected with my jaw and it all went black.

Coming round, surrounded by some friends, it was apparently "really cool". All I know is my head hurt. A lot.

Tell us about the legendary fights at school.

(, Fri 10 Mar 2006, 10:43)
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My best mate
My best mate had a birthday sleepover in about year 9, he invited the smelly retard from across the road (who shit himself). It was only us three. We proceeded to play a game called Snake Fuck, where you put your sleeping bag on over your head and proceeded to just try and beat the shit out of anyone by use of sound. Cue me and my mate peeking and doing a double body slam (sandwiching) on the smelly retard....he shit himself, and went home.

We watched gemlins2.
(, Mon 13 Mar 2006, 0:14, Reply)

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