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Home » Question of the Week » School fights » Post 50467 | Search
This is a question School fights

I don't remember much of the fight - it'd been building for weeks, petty things, knocking over my stuff, calling names - but it didn't last long... He hit me, I hit him, then *whack* he connected with my jaw and it all went black.

Coming round, surrounded by some friends, it was apparently "really cool". All I know is my head hurt. A lot.

Tell us about the legendary fights at school.

(, Fri 10 Mar 2006, 10:43)
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i predict a riot-then cause one
'twas one fine day in the month of... well i can't remember but all good stories start thusly.
anyhoo, it was the beginnign of a pre-lunch period of 'PSE' that delightful lesson where an embarassed teacher tries to explain sex and the prospect of nuclear war to a bunch of puerile 14year-old twats. we had a 'careers adviser' guesting as said teacher. now the lesson after lunch was double period art, the island of fun for me in an otherwise miserable week (ok graph. des was good too-aided by the young friendly hot tutor- miss barden if you're out there, you're the reason i'm a graphic designer now :) anyway back to the story.
i as usual have my art pencilcase with me, the only thing of value i own is a lovely set of magic markers in all the colours of the rainbow. now pretty soon i see my mate matt's face across the table grinnign like an idiot right at me. he then proceeds to spit the mangled lid of one of my babies, complete with mouthful of magenta ink, acros the table onto my white shirt. it is at this point that i realise that my art case is gone and push the table pretty hard. he goes back into the cupboard doors with a mighty bang, and is pinned. i start shouting 'where's my fucking pencilcase you shit?!?!' and the little woman pipes up 'quiet please children. i turn to explain that my pencilcase is gone and one of my markers hits me in the face from across the other side of the room. so now the pencilcase is out of my control. i get a little.. irate and start throttling my mate. he fights back and being twice my size manages to almost subdue me.. all the while the teacher is screaming at us, the shower of markers is increasing and being joined by other classroom stuff, pretty soon tables are being overturned, people are cheering, the mentally unstable kid has somehow got inot the stationery cupboard and is now in the fucking CEILING kicking tiles through and whooping.. the careers woman runs out sobbing her heart out and never returns, and we all get 8-page essays on why what we did was wrong. my statement of "i was in the right and merely reacting to the theft of my pencilcase which would have been avoided if that silly woman had been able to keep control of a class full of 'children'" didn't go down too well.
(, Mon 13 Mar 2006, 15:03, Reply)

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