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This is a question School fights

I don't remember much of the fight - it'd been building for weeks, petty things, knocking over my stuff, calling names - but it didn't last long... He hit me, I hit him, then *whack* he connected with my jaw and it all went black.

Coming round, surrounded by some friends, it was apparently "really cool". All I know is my head hurt. A lot.

Tell us about the legendary fights at school.

(, Fri 10 Mar 2006, 10:43)
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Exmouth comp
Huge school, probably loads of fights though I never saw any. But there was this one girl in my class, who was... big. Tall, wide, round, like some beachball with legs. Also fairly loud and obnoxious, quite popular with all the other loud obnoxious people. Anyway. I'd seen her intimidating people a few times, just by walking up to them in a threatning jelly swagger and bumping them with her mass. She never had to do anything else, everyone would sort of back off after she did that, never wanted to get involved.

Anyway one time I started getting into a bit of a debate with her, about something, disagreeing with her, which she didn't like. So she tried the jelly swagger bumping thing on me. I looked at her. I looked up at her fat, scowling "don't mess with me" face, and I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed and couldn't stop laughing.

She turned around and walked off, never touched me. Never bothered me again. I rule.
(, Wed 15 Mar 2006, 11:24, Reply)

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