"Part of my kitchen floor are thick with dust, grease, part of a broken mug, a few mummified oven-chips, a desiccated used teabag and a couple of pieces of cutlery", says Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic. To most people, that's filth. To some of us, that's dinner. Tell us about squalid homes or obsessive cleaners.
( , Thu 25 Mar 2010, 13:00)
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Which type do people think is worse to live with? Or even be, if you're unlucky enough to fall into either category?
A) The Filthy
The kind of person who is apparently unaware of the existence of or use for vacuum cleaners, binbags, sponges and cleaning products. Has never worked out that housework doesn't happen by magic; an understandable view at 17 or 18, worthy of a good smack past about 20.
B) The Obsessive
The compulsively and near-psychotically clean, who cannot bear a single thing to be out of place or tolerate the existence of a smudge of dust on one skirting board behind the wardrobe. Best ignored, since you cannot possibly conform to their standards.
Added: C) The Schizophrenic (or possibly; The Squeaky Wheel)
An appalling mix of the worst points of both of the above, the complaints heard from this person about the state of the house are far in excess of the actual amount of work put in. Anal by nature but slobbish in behaviour, anyone who ends up living with an example of option C is liable to end up killing either them or themselves.
Three completely different kinds of housework fail, but which is worse?
( , Thu 25 Mar 2010, 21:19, 4 replies)

The kind of person who moans about the house not being as clean as her parent's house. Then when she says she'll do the washing up, only does the stuff she's used. Despite the fact that when the other 2 housemates do the washing up they do everybody's plates etc.
( , Thu 25 Mar 2010, 21:38, closed)

Combining the worst aspects of both in one handy package. I've been fortunate enough never to live with this kind of person. She's going in though.
Edit: oh no, God, I have! I'd successfully forgotten about her though. Do you think they're always 'hers'?
( , Thu 25 Mar 2010, 22:20, closed)

Personally I think the filthy is worse, because this requires that I actually do some cleaning, whereas with the obsessive there is less physical work involved, simply an ability to ignore moaning...
( , Thu 25 Mar 2010, 22:04, closed)

Having both a long-term girlfriend and mother that can moan ten to the dozen about anything, I have become impenetrable to moaning. I find a few grunts and some minor eye-contact sufficient.
( , Fri 26 Mar 2010, 8:20, closed)

I'm going to go with the obsessive being the preferred house mate.
But then, I'm pretty tidy (maybe even a borderline obsessive as some have suggested before) so it was never too much bother for me to wash up the same evening or rinse the bath out when I was done or whatever.
( , Fri 26 Mar 2010, 14:44, closed)
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