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Home » Question of the Week » How clean is your house? » Post 678322 | Search
This is a question How clean is your house?

"Part of my kitchen floor are thick with dust, grease, part of a broken mug, a few mummified oven-chips, a desiccated used teabag and a couple of pieces of cutlery", says Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic. To most people, that's filth. To some of us, that's dinner. Tell us about squalid homes or obsessive cleaners.

(, Thu 25 Mar 2010, 13:00)
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Hunt the Turd
My friend was in a fairly stable group house where they actually went through a number of houses of a period of years. Each time they moved into a house they had game, "Hunt the Turd". Each house mate hid a turd somewhere in the house and the owner of the last turd found was the winner.

Anyway they stopped after there was an all time winner. Weeks went by and they never found his turd. Eventually as they worked through the margarine, they realised the winner had melted the margarine in a saucepan and poured it back into the container, entombing the elusive turd.

I could never live in a house like that. Not without excessive retribution anyway.
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 11:42, 16 replies)

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 11:46, closed)
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 11:59, closed)

So it's a tradition.

My GF was telling me about a guy who went to a boring party and shat in the ice cream.
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:02, closed)
totes different
margerine and easily spreadable butter
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:06, closed)
Am I alone in thinking this is moronic?
why the fuck would you want to go shitting round your house?
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:39, closed)
It's also not true
I have been hearing this urban myth for about 10 years now, but I have never met someone who has actually participated in "Hunt the turd".

But yes, moronic.
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:42, closed)
it troubles me that most seem to view it as an acceptable thing to do when relating it
they might not do it themselves, but part of them seems to think "yeah, I can understand the people who do that sort of thing"
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:48, closed)
Yes, most odd.
Another variant of this story is where the turd gets frozen and then grated and spread around the house. More urban myth nonsense.
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:51, closed)
I haven't heard that one
more amusing than the other, in a revenge kind of way.
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:58, closed)
Sadly I know someone who did just this...
In Adelaide (South Australia) back in the 1980s. Maybe that's where it started?
I was actually there when it was happening and remember the margarine incident as the night everyone decided enough was enough (and never to invite Bob to their house again). I mean practical jokes are one thing but when you start shitting in the fridge...
Ironically, he's a reasonably responsible dad these days.
(, Wed 31 Mar 2010, 3:22, closed)
Good God, is this one still doing the rounds???
Come now, be honest, eh?!?
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 13:17, closed)
I heard this story 12+ years ago
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 17:20, closed)
i heard this EXACT story told by someone in a pub a couple of weeks ago
so unless you magically coincidentally happen to be that person, im afraid i dont believe you
(, Wed 31 Mar 2010, 1:20, closed)
yeah I heard it some time ago
I think it is approaching urban legend status
(, Wed 31 Mar 2010, 22:38, closed)
You don't by chance live in Adelaide (South Australia) do you?
Because this is what some friends of mine did in the late 1980s and how it all ended...
(, Wed 31 Mar 2010, 3:17, closed)
yay for stupid and implausible urban legends
(first heard by me in 1996)
(, Wed 31 Mar 2010, 9:28, closed)

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