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This is a question Stuff I've found

Freddy Woo writes, "My non-prostitute-killing, lorry driving uncle once came home with a wedding cake. Found it in a layby, scoffed the lot over several weeks."

What's the best thing you've found?

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 11:58)
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When I was about 9 way back in the late 80s, I happened upon a nice £5 note on the way home. May not seem much now, but to a 9 year old in the 80s, it was a big deal.

Oddly, Instead of buying armfuls of he-man jelly sweets, or lego, I spent most of it on a portable case of office stationary stuff - a really sleek looking black box with mini stapler, glue scissors and stuff.... I still don't know why.

When I was about twelve, I went on a school trip to Swanage... On a beach, I went off on my own, walking along all the piles of slate lying by the sand, and found a large piece (about 12 inches by 18 inches) with about 10 ammonite fossils on. That was pretty damn cool...
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:30, Reply)

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