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This is a question God

Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!

Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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This basically sums up everything I know about the God.
I'm here to tear down everything around you, and you know what I'm going to replace it with? God. The world of God. So take your bread and give it to the poor. What difference does it matter what you own? You have gold and silver - it’s going to rot, and that rot is going to eat away your heart. All of you. There will be a flood and there will be a fire. Everything will be destroyed. But there will be a new ark riding on that fire and I hold the keys, and I open the door, and I decide who goes in and who doesn't.

You think God will answer only to you? He doesn't. God’s an immortal spirit who belongs to everybody - to the whole world. You think you are special?

God is not an Israelite.

In the desert the Baptists warned us, God is coming. But I'm telling you its too late. He's already here.

I'm here.

And I'm going to baptise everybody... With FIRE!

Come with me...

In the name of the prophet,
In the name of Jeremiah, the father,
In the name of the most holy...

I call you here!

© CJ Bolland
(, Fri 20 Mar 2009, 14:14, 3 replies)
That takes me back
Cheers for that. I'm almost gurning.
(, Fri 20 Mar 2009, 15:12, closed)
me too.....
...the only religion i'll have anything to do with is the Church of Techno! A room full of like-minded happy smiling people with a common purpose!

God,I need a night out soon!
(, Fri 20 Mar 2009, 15:56, closed)
great tune
*puts it on*

Speech is Willem Dafoe from Last Temptation of Christ I believe
(, Fri 20 Mar 2009, 16:31, closed)

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