Good Advice
My pal inspects factories for a living, and I shall take his expert advice to the grave: "Never eat the meat pies". Tell us the best advice you've ever received.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 20 May 2010, 12:54)
You can pick your friends...
...and you can pick your nose.
But never pick your friends nose.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:18,
4 replies)
You can't roll your friends into little green balls.
flake has nothing against your right leg, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:28,
You can
lick them and flick them though.
Herb Alpert's Taxi Driver I have very beautiful lips, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:35,
If I ever meet you, I'm sticking my finger up your nose
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:30,
That reminds me of the following:
Showing your arse to all your mates? GREAT!
Showing your arse to just one mate? BAD!
theremin put the lotion in the basket on, Sun 23 May 2010, 9:15,