Buzzkillington says: "I once worked for Pizza Hut... Whats the the worst thing you've ever done for money?" And while we're here, tell us about greedy people you know. Money or pie, it doesn't matter.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:30)
I'm currently
working my way through a 300g bag of chocolate mis-shapes from Netto. Not only am I greedy, I'm a tight cunt with it too.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 22:48,
5 replies)
What's Netto?
Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard., Mon 18 Apr 2011, 22:51,
It's Scandinavian for value.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 22:54,
It's scandinavian
for shit.
Bababoon, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 22:57,
It does attract
custom from the less salubrious members of society.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 23:00,
you know those "women" who go shopping in their pyjamas?
well, that's where they go.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet, Tue 19 Apr 2011, 20:57,