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Home » Question of the Week » Heckles II » Post 2302344 | Search
This is a question Heckles II

It was my privilege the other month to see a particularly foul and abusive heckler literally chased out of a comedy club by enraged punters. So: Comedy nights, staff meetings, football matches. Tell us of epic or rubbish heckles.

(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 14:36)
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When Michael Barrymore tried a supremely ill-advised post-fatal pool fisting comeback tour, some guy started shouting incoherent stuff at him at one gig
Ever the professional, Barrymore came back with something like "If you're going to interrupt, at least speak up. It sounds like you're out in the car park."

"I bloody wish I was", came the reply.
(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 16:01, 8 replies)
I think I posted this one last time we did "Heckles", to be honest

(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 16:06, closed)
Repeats on the TV,
repeats on the internet.
Welcome to d4ve.
(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 17:44, closed)
Creation's gone crazy, the TV's gone mad

(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 18:03, closed)
No abuse from the usuals. Interesting.

(, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 20:38, closed)
I think it's because the Sun delivered a free copy of their paper to every house in the country this week
It'll keep most of the usual suspects amused for days
(, Fri 13 Jun 2014, 9:39, closed)
nah not days
The newsprint goes soggy with all the drool after a few hours
(, Fri 13 Jun 2014, 12:12, closed)
Well then, however massively, hugely unlikely as it seems, it may be that they have finally learned something
but I doubt it
(, Fri 13 Jun 2014, 15:57, closed)
You can't educate pork

(, Mon 16 Jun 2014, 13:05, closed)

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