Iffy crushes
Who would you like to have sex with who isn't probably top of everyone's list and why?
rob, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 14:54)
From Thomas the Tank Engine

Just look at that eager mouth
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Mon 10 Oct 2011, 23:31,
10 replies)
The mouth may be eager, but the eyes suggest an abusive past.
You fucking monster.
Nigella Pussycat picking baked-in hair from creme brulee, Mon 10 Oct 2011, 23:45,
Cor Bimey!
Check oot t' buffers on that!
The Incredible Sulk Finally remembered his password on, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 0:38,
I fear your life may be going off the rails.
If you're not careful you'll end up as a train-wreck.
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Tue 11 Oct 2011, 6:56,
She's definitely
got a massive chuff though
/gets coat
Swarve, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 8:19,
She definitely gives me the horn(by) :|
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 8:42,
You have a one track mind
shunt express feeling like that here
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 9:16,
She'd never leave Clarabel.
Why, she's always got her face buried in her buffers (on children's TV - disgusting).
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 9:37,
She hasn't been the same since her mis-carriage.
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:22,
This is the only amusing post this week
ousgg is not seeking approval, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 15:30,