Ignored Advice
What wholesome advice have you ignored, to your own downfall?
chthonic, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 17:01)
i wasn't mocking, merely observing
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 15:27,
1 reply)
Tell that
to his lawyer.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 15:46,
I wasn't suggesting for a second
That he was anything but a paragon of virtue.
(Just like Jimmy Saville was before the story broke)
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 16:04,
Has anyone else noticed that this Messham bloke
Has not withdrawn his claim that he was abused by a senior Thatcher-era Tory, merely that he was mistaken in identifying that person as Lord McAlpine.
So, which 1970s/80s Tory
IS the kiddie fiddler?
shinyshinyscalp less a man, more a way of life, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 16:18,
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 16:26,
She milked his snatch.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Sun 18 Nov 2012, 17:04,