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This is a question I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke

Challenge: write a joke. As simple joke with a setup and a punchline.


* Don't steal jokes - write them
* Don't flood post
* Just don't be a dick ok?

So join in and write a bad joke and apologise for it.

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(, Wed 8 Aug 2018, 9:00)
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What do you call a recently-deceased ex-bond actor who has had his bodily hair removed in order to be prepared for embalming?
SHORN Connery!
(, Tue 3 Nov 2020, 3:44, 7 replies, latest was 4 years ago)
What do you call a recently-deceased ex-bond actor who purportedly only came to fix a household appliance, but in a contrived plot twist ended up buggering you senseless over said appliance?
PORN Connery!
(, Tue 3 Nov 2020, 15:43, Reply)
What do you call a recently-deceased ex-bond actor who fought with Captain James T Kirk at Cestus III in 2267?
GORN Connery!
(, Thu 5 Nov 2020, 8:55, Reply)
What do you call a recently-deceased ex-bond actor who played Worf in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine??
DORN Connery!
(, Thu 5 Nov 2020, 9:25, Reply)
What do you call a recently-deceased ex-bond actor are we led it off the road?
SORN Connery!
(, Thu 5 Nov 2020, 10:23, Reply)
What do you call a recently deceased Bond actor in two weeks?
Lawn Connery.
(, Thu 5 Nov 2020, 21:33, Reply)
What do you call a meat-free alternative to recently-deceased ex-bond actors?
QUORN Connery
(, Mon 16 Nov 2020, 18:28, Reply)
What's the opposite of a recently-deceased ex-bond actor?
BORN Connery!
(, Tue 17 Nov 2020, 8:20, Reply)

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