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Home » Question of the Week » Inventions You're Too Lazy To Make » Post 7805 | Search
This is a question Inventions You're Too Lazy To Make

I was making myself a coffee and didn't have a spoon. I poured the coffee directly from the jar into the cup. I thought, "wouldn't it be great if there was a nozzle on the top that could dispense just one measure of coffee? Woo. That would solve the problem of others making your coffee too weak too. Just say, 'two shakes for me. I like it strong.'" So the question is... what inventions have you thought up in idle moments that might just change the world?

(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 23:45)
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Not mine but...
My flatmate had the brainwave of spilcing together the glorious taste of deep-fat-frying and the crisp feel of tumble-dried clothes to create: The Tumble Fryer. Efficient in that it uses far less oil, many different cycles for different foods and a spin cycle to degrease your chips. Perfect (except for the incredibly hot fat being whirled around at about 5000 rpm...
(, Thu 8 Apr 2004, 23:36, Reply)

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