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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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Kids, I'm just glad they are not all the same.
By n large most of my family versions of the current topic are fairly tame, well behaved and respectable little humans in training.......

However as with all families we have a small collection of duds, .

There's my niece who seems to live with a constant sugar rush, bit like a gerbil on speed......... lots of speed...........

Some months ago when the brother came over for a visit he brought number one niece with him.

Door bell rings and I trip happily down and open the front door to an eight year old who is doing star jumps.

I then close the front door and wait, oh maybe 30 seconds and then open it again.

They're both still there and number one niece is still doing star jumps.

I never asked the bro if she stopped when the door closed in their faces...........

Our other family dud lives on the other side of the world i.e Australia, land of bad spiders and badder snakes.........

He's five and as mental and as bad tempered as a bag of ferrets.........

I got my ear clipped last time I was there when I was overheard telling him that if a snake was ever to bite him he was to keep quiet about it or his mum would smack him harshly......

Still makes me laugh that one.

I need more holidays...
(, Mon 21 Apr 2008, 15:42, 1 reply)
Keep quiet...
Ooooh! Evil! *click*
(, Mon 21 Apr 2008, 16:02, closed)

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