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This is a question Kids

Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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Ignorant children
I don't think they do it on purpose, but sometimes kids can be unbelievably ignorant.

Case in point: when I stay at my friend's house, I sleep on the couch. The last time I stayed over there, it was a weeknight. So I need to be at work for 9, and her darling child needs to be at school for 9 too. Fine. That means I'll get up about 7/half-7, the same time as my friend gets up, we'll have a coffee and a smoke, and I'll ride to work.

Oh no. No chance. It turns out that her dearest offspring has to get up at 6-O-Fucking-Clock every morning to watch the fucking telly.

The thing is, I hate telly at any time of the day - but being woken up by CHILDRENS TV, at 6 IN THE MORNING, with a cunting HANGOVER.

At times, I wish I could kick the angel-faced little cherubs in the chops.

I mean, does it not possibly cross their minds that if there's a large adult-sized lump on the sofa, and it's 6 in the morning, and adults don't have quite as much energy as kids do, they could at least turn the volume down ever-so-slightly?
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 11:20, Reply)

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