Life Hacks
Sometimes you find the cheat mode when everyone else is struggling to get something done. What are your little tricks to making life easier? Bonus points for pics or diagrams.
McChinaman banned, Thu 28 May 2015, 16:17)
including spelling mistakes in you're post will bring all the pedants out from under they're rocks
katie hopkins telling it where its at, Thu 28 May 2015, 21:39,
4 replies)
its spelled pendants
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 28 May 2015, 22:27,
Baggenfrock get fucked, Thu 28 May 2015, 22:48,
Those are syntax errors.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 28 May 2015, 23:55,