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This is a question LOL Bigots

Freddie Woo says: "A bloke who lived next door to my mum told me on the day Diana died that it was 'God's punishment for sleeping with an Arab'". Tell us stories of bigots, racists, sexists, homophobes and loud-mouths so that we may point and laugh

(, Thu 21 Feb 2013, 20:03)
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Also, people who only have a phone to make calls and text
i.e. "why do you need your phone to do all those things?"

For many reasons, for example
-taking a photo of something I wouldn't normally be able to take a photo of
-It's basically impossible to get lost with a smartphone
-I can find out almost anything in a few seconds when I'm miles from home, bank balance etc
-I'm never bored on public transport
-I don't need to buy a seperate MP3 player
(, Tue 26 Feb 2013, 18:27, Reply)

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