Theophilous Thunderwulf says: What have you done to fuck with people? Was it a long, carefully planned piece of psychological warfare, or do you favour quick, off-the-cuff comments that confuse the terminally gullible? Have you been dicked with, and only realised many years later? Are you being dicked right now? Tell us everything.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2012, 11:25)
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I just overheard a weird conversation in a local caff this lunchtime. There were a bunch of wifies on the next table, and once I'd ordered lunch I started to pick up bits of a conversation between 'Darren's Nan' and 'Darren's Mum':
Nan: ...so I had to get on the bus to go to Marks and Spencer's to get some sushi for Darren's tea.
Mum: Aye, he mentioned you gave him something weird.
Nan: That's what he asked for when I phoned him on his mobile: cheese, sushi and chips.
(By now I was fully tuned in. The other old biddies were giving each other 'WTF?' looks.)
Nan: well, you know the kids these days, they like all kinds of stuff.
Mum: And he asked for cheese, sushi and chips???!!!
Nan: Aye, I had to get the bus up to Marks & Spencer's...
(I see a light go on behind Darren's Mum's eyes.)
Mum: So you phoned Darren, asked him what he wanted for his tea, and he said cheese, sushi and chips...
Nan: Aye
Mum: Or maybe sushi, cheese and chips...
Nan: Eh?
Mum: Sushi, cheese and chips... (Faster)Sushi, cheese and chips... Sushicheese and chips... Sussijeez-n-chips...
(I swear I never saw this coming)
Mum: (slowly and deliberately): Soss - idges - and - chips. Sausages and chips.
Nan: Aw, fuck.
Luckily the hoots of old ladies' laughter covered the sound of me snorting coffee out of my nose.
( , Tue 17 Jan 2012, 16:37, 4 replies)
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