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This is a question Mix Tapes

Everyone's made a mix tape (or CD, USB stick, or whatever kids do these days). Mostly to get in someone else's pants, but we're sure there are other, lesser, reasons too.

So, who did you make it for and why?
And... what was on it?

(, Thu 7 Feb 2008, 13:41)
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I should not be allowed to rant about music...
...I find it brings out the worst in me.

But I agree entirely with Nakedape and PJM. Also woo and yay to Tourette's for cunning use of the word "oliagenous*"

But anyway, Pete Waterman has an awful lot to answer for, and could probably make up a good half of this CD, given the utter cockrot he turned out for the Spice Girls, Steps, etc, etc ad infinitum.

And Robbie fucking Williams? How can a man look so punchably smug? But then I suppose if you made that much money out of the general public by pissing me off with your horrible, whiny, and flagrantly plagiarised records, you'd be a bit pleased with yourself.

And finally onto modern "RnB." As a big fan of early Who (the days when they coined the "Maximum RnB" tag) as well as a lot of blues, I fail to see what resemblance this modern crap bears to Rhythm and Blues. Does it stand for something different these days? It just seems to be half-nude women gyrating to crap rhythms with that "don't even go there, sister" look**, or guys with overly elaborate facial hair who believe they're god's gift to womankind.

Gah, I've got to stop. This isn't good for my blood pressure...

Edit: Just saw the Chesney Hawkes post above. Spot on. Why, why in fuck's name do people get so overexcited about a record they would never have bought unless forced to by a man holding a gun to their testicles, just because it comes on in a club and it's something they've heard before? How do these circumstances make it any less of an aural gang-rape?

*I may have misspelt that...
**Possibly the one look that is more punchable than Robbie Williams' testicle-for-a-face.
(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 9:37, Reply)

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