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This is a question Mugged

Your Ginger Fuhrer was telling me the other night about going out in Birmingham after finishing a shift working in a bar. Very drunk, still dressed in his bar uniform, our fearless leader was mugged.

They stole his green stick-on bow tie.

(, Thu 15 Jun 2006, 14:58)
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Aston to bemore precise, wandering back from lunch through one of the many subways that Birmingham City coucil planners are so fond of. Anyway, I was mid argument with girlfriend on my phone at the time. (looking back, a kinda silly move to be on my phone).
I could sense someone behind me and as i came to the subway exit, a young guy, about 16/17 or so in a hoody appears at my side - and asks me the for a ciggy.
Sensing this young brigands malicious intent, I tell the girlfreind to "shut up for a minute" calmy take the phone away from the side of my head, look this guy in the eye and say (very uncharateristically - Im short and very much the pacifist)..
"You should fuck off right now before I rip your fucking head off mate..." he goes to speak so I tell interrupt "Seriously man, go, NOW. I'm giving you fuckall." - stunned, this guy looks at me confused with a "this isnt how its meant to happen" look on his face. Meanwhile I tell my girlfriend to be quiet, as i'm about to kill a mugger.
He runs off at this point...

I suppose the moral of this story is, bet way to handle a mugger is have an argument with a laaaydeee just beforehand...
(, Fri 16 Jun 2006, 12:08, Reply)

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