Your Ginger Fuhrer was telling me the other night about going out in Birmingham after finishing a shift working in a bar. Very drunk, still dressed in his bar uniform, our fearless leader was mugged.
They stole his green stick-on bow tie.
( , Thu 15 Jun 2006, 14:58)
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Many years ago in sunny Newton (don't worry if you've never heard of it - it's got the highest incest rate in europe by all accounts)
My good friend was waiting at a bus stop late at night. He then noticed two local fellah's who had a bit of a reputation for being complete psycho's... they were walking towards the bus station obviously looking for trouble. Now, my mate has had trouble with these guys before and did all he could to keep his head down to not be seen.
Luckily for him, they didn't see him and proceeded towards two young lads who were also waiting at the bus station. The bigger of the two psycho's walks up to the two lads and drags him from his seat and proceeds to beat the crap out of him. The second psycho turns to the other boy and says 'don't even f*cking think about helping your mate or you're next!'. Now, this lad carries on drinking from his can of coke as his mate gets a solid kicking from the psycho's. After a few seconds the lad gulps the rest of the drink down, tears the metal can into two sharp pieces, stands up and walks behind the bigger of the two fellah's. He then plunges both sides of the metal can straight into the man's ears, dropping him like the cowardly shit he is. The other nutter is still leaning over the victim, pummeling him in the face, unaware that the screaming coming from behind him is coming from his mate.
Now the lad cooly takes a few steps back before running forward and kicking the psycho as hard as he could in the testicles. By all accounts this guy lifted about three feet from the floor with a big girly scream. The boy then calmly kicks him in the face, helps his bleeding friend up and walks away.... leaving the two muggers with perforated ear drums (hopefully) and damaged testicles.
How good is that?
( , Wed 21 Jun 2006, 13:26, Reply)
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