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This is a question Nights Out Gone Wrong

In celebration of the woman who went out for a quiet drink with friends after work, and ended up half naked, kicking a copper in the nads and threatening to smear her own shit over hospital staff, how have your best-laid plans ended in woe?

(, Thu 24 Mar 2011, 16:02)
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Having a pea:
I'd just discovered Ecstacy, and, as such, was on an INCREDIBLY strong pill. Almost (almost) too high, at a house party (as in, it was in a house).

Chatting to some geezer, for some reason, I remember him giving me the advice "Never look in a mirror when on a pill."

So I was having a lovely time, but needed a slash, and off I went to the bog.

In I go - the door opens outwards, and the bog is to the left, over which there is a long mirror.

So I'm having a nice slash and dear CHRIST am I high but god this slash is good this pill is good this music is good these people are good CHRIST I am so high I am so, so high ooo that's a nice slash lovely lovely lovely ...

And I hear a noise.

A nice noise.

Girls. Lovely girls. Girls laughing. Lovely girls, laughing. Let's hope they're experimenting happily with bisexuality GOD am I high lovely girls laughing laughing lovely girls laughing away what are they laughing at what do they see, lovely girls laughing, laughing at me ...

Laughing at me?

Laughing at ... what? At me?

I slowly come to my senses. I am standing at the toilet, my cock in my hand, my nose millimeters from mirror, staring - intensley - at myself.

The door was wide, wide open.

I had been like that for several minutes.

The lovely girls laughing? They were openly pointing and specifically laughing at me, inviting their mates to enjoy the spectacle.

I had neither lifted the lid nor had a slash.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:54, 14 replies)
Brings back memories
My god I'm beautiful, look at me! etc etc etc etc etc etc for HOURS.

Except that is, when you don't realise what's going on. See b3ta.com/questions/cringe/post314738
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:06, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:19, closed)
I once made my mate put contacts in whilst he was on acid
It was hilarious watching his finger hover close to his eye before he got lost in the fractals in his iris. Then the contact would pretty much dry out, he'd rinse it again and then the whole sorry spectacle (oh look! A pun) would begin again.

I used to have an extractor fan in my bathroom that when I was on pills would sound like all my mates having a massive argument in the front room so I'd keep legging it out to see what all the fuss was about, trousers undone and eyes wide only to see them all lolling on the sofas as they were when I left them...
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:26, closed)
Very good!
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 14:20, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:07, closed)
I bet he nursed that pill like a girl.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:14, closed)
Probably did it in quarters
or nibbled at it like a church mouse
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:18, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 16:49, closed)
I was the last man standing, dancing with some random girl who was also off her neck
Of the mongs all passed out around us, at about 8am one asked me, "How do you keep going?"

"Drugs" I replied.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:28, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:42, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:57, closed)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 16:49, closed)
Feh, I've taken twice that many drugs and still slept through them

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:51, closed)
Aspirin doesn't count.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 15:57, closed)

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