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This is a question Old stuff I still know

Our Ginger Fuhrer says that he could still code up a simple game idea in Amstrad Basic, while I'm your man if you ever need to rebuild the suspension on an Austin Allegro (1750 Equipe version). This stuff doesn't leave your mind - tell us about obsolete talents you still have.

(, Thu 30 Jun 2011, 17:04)
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I can still picture
in my head, the exact route to take to climb most of the way up the big sycamore tree at the back of the Four-in-Hand pub carpark. I happened to be in that area a while back and could see the the exact route again, though the high bits did look a lot closer.

I had my second-born with me who was 9 at the time, and I guided him up the tree. I felt proud of handing down such invaluable knowledge on such an important part of my chiildhood.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 23:08, Reply)

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