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Abuse is rarely funny.
Taking the piss is.
(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 10:49, 1 reply, 14 years ago)
Mostly, though
the distinction between abuse and taking the piss depends on the recipient's sense of humour. This is an online site universally known for very borderline stuff. I'd argue 90% of the time if you're getting offended it's your sensitivity rather than the commenter's nastiness that is the problem. The other 10% is where the problem lies, but BranynDedd's trolling isn't anywhere near that.

Some of the abuse that was trolled at, say, Tourette's, in the past, is in the unacceptable 10% category and I happily said so, on talk, at the time. But there is an issue here - I'm not justifying cunty behaviour, but if you post on a public forum deeply personal information which would hurt you if used abusively, then while you don't deserve abuse you can hardly be surprised about it.

I think that it's a bit double-standard really. What Humpty is saying is a version of "you'd never say that kind of stuff to someone in a pub but it's somehow OK on the internet?" ... but the response is "you'd never stand up in a pub an announce you were abused as a child to strangers" either. You can't really have your own way on one and not the other.
(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 10:58, Reply)
You have a point.
But I do think that abuse is very different to piss taking and nothing to do with the recipient's sense of humour. It's to do with the abusers intention. Whether to poke fun, (even if close to the bone), or to make someone upset.
(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 11:04, Reply)
That, I concede, is true - although again that's just as much down to the recipient's interpretation
But that's part of the online world, and on a public site that will never go away. A lot less of the stuff on here is genuinely meant to upset than people think. At most all a troll is looking for is a rise, so why give them it?
(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 11:19, Reply)
I agree.
Which is something I've learnt not to do. Rory has tried a couple of times to get a rise out of me and I think he's cottoning on now.
(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 11:20, Reply)

(, Thu 27 Jan 2011, 11:29, Reply)

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