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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Fresh out ze Berlin it’s ze A.D.O.L.F., and I’m
Comin’ at Lenin, and his buddies on ze left.
You claimin’ you’re dictators? More like dick-takers,
‘Cause white makes right and Trotsky’s a faker.

I’m ridin’ with v2’s over 6 million Jews, and
you communistas vanna goosestep to zis?
Thinkin’ it’s so easy to take on lil’ Heezy?
Man get outta Siberia, your brain is freezy.

So I’ll keep smilin’ so long as you keep Heilin’,
Got a problem vith zat Lenin? Better go and start dialin’
Someone who vill listen, my SS ain’t missin’,
Comin’ runnin’ gunnin’ for any motherfucker that’s dissin’.

My rhymes are like a book burning – so hot.
Think not? Zat potato vodka’s given you brain rot,
‘Cause there ain’t no party like a Nazi party
And zis Artistic Arian is ze cream of ze crop.

So hold back ze applause, pack your bags, start runnin’,
My Tiger Tanks are ‘Kriegen toward Moscow and London.
Americans ain’t doin’ poo poo, not unless zey get hit
At Pearl Harbour, but it’s not like ze Japs will do zis…
(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 16:37, 2 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Damn I wish I could to a come back from Stalin, but I have not an ounce of 'street' in me.

(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 16:40, Reply)
'Bournville Boulevard' more like

(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 16:56, Reply)
This is sadly true.

(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 16:57, Reply)
Wat up my man Hitler, Goebbels up in here
Don't want any controversy about me being queer
So let me lay it down for you here real quick
If you don't hate Jews well you can just suck my -
Yo yo, interjection, don't wanna contradict
So let's get back to Jews man they fucking make me sick
See you and me man, we share a fucking passion
And some say mine is bigger than yours, eh yo, quit laughin
I ain't talking bout our pieces man I'm speaking anti-semitics
And since the war was through every historians a critic
Was I the biggest player in our Jewish retribution?
I fucking done real pushed for a final solution
We exhausted possibilities, what to do with them, I ask ya?
We lock em all up and fucking ship em to madagascar?
Yo, yo, that shits mental brau I got a better plan
We herd em up in trains and shit and send them to the man
But big G-Zee sure won't like the mother fucks who killed his son
So down they go to satan man and he can spank their bums.
(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 16:47, Reply)

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