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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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name some, go:

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 16:44, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
how about a VW Corrado VR6

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 16:47, Reply)
I like 944s at present.

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:18, Reply)
I really wouldn't
All the expense of Porsche parts with the added pain of every single person you pass knowing you couldn't afford a 911.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:20, Reply)
924s were the poor man's car.
I actually like 944s for the simple fact that they're not a 911. Stupid rear-engined twat-wagon.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:21, Reply)
OK, valid point
but if you don't want a twat-wagon why buy a Porsche at all? it's not like the 944 is anything other than much worse than at least 4 RWD sportscars I could name off the top of my head that you could buy for the same money.

Or if you really must have the cuntbadge, get a 928.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:23, Reply)
Because I genuinely like the 944 as a car.
It's good-looking, quick if you get the right one, rear-wheel drive, handles superbly.

According to various reviewers, it's one of the best handling cars ever built, let alone Porsches.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:31, Reply)
Sometimes, just when I think you're definitely alright
you come out with an opinion like this

*shakes head sadly*
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:35, Reply)
If everybody had the same opinion, we'd all be driving around in the same car.

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 17:56, Reply)
Those are some wise words, Master K. Wise words indeed.

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 18:22, Reply)

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