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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Oh man, the top of my left thigh is a bit itchy

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:47, 68 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
you should scratch that motherfucker

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:48, Reply)
Done it but, get this right, it got itchy again!
Shit is bananas yo
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:50, Reply)
words can't describe the extent to which that has blown my mind

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:52, Reply)
Oh man, one day I'll tell you about the time I was itchy just below my left armpit

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:53, Reply)
I need a while to prepare myself for that

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:54, Reply)
k, lemme know when you've got your wanking gloves on and I will tell the tale

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:57, Reply)
let me get some fresh feathers and we'll get started

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:04, Reply)
I've never been so aroused

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:06, Reply)
just you wait...

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:09, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:04, Reply)
evening swipey

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:05, Reply)
How's shit?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:06, Reply)
Pretty good
Been studying a load but that will be over soon.

How about you?
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:08, Reply)
Urgh but nothing serious
Work manic and got horrible chest/ear infection. Otherwise all good.

You should come back more. This place needs MOAR vipros!
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:10, Reply)
Hope you recover quickly
Can't come on during the day job won't allow it. Evenings are hit and miss.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:13, Reply)
Ah well, hopefully it'll change at work at some point
Lots of luck with the new qualification. How's the band??
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:15, Reply)
seems unlikely. and turns out i quite enjoy this job.

Band is still fun. Quite a few gigs and some interesting music.

What's new with you?
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:19, Reply)
Oh good. I'm still planning on being in Cornwall in august so would be fab if you were playing when I'm there!!
Nothing exciting - promotion at work, writing a tv script with my friend, usual romantic disasters... Same shit!!!
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:22, Reply)
aaaaaaaaaahahaha tv script
oh god

oh god

oh god that'll be shit
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:23, Reply)
seriously though, you should just give up right now
save yourself the heartache of all those doors slamming in your face, it's for the best
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:25, Reply)
My co-writer's a tv producer and her boss is head of commissioning
So only one door to slam/cock to suck
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:27, Reply)
so what you're saying is your friend's writing a tv screenplay

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:28, Reply)
I'm writing it, she's pitching it

I could put momo in it, make him earn his keep
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:31, Reply)
so your co-writer isn't co-writing it?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 0:05, Reply)
WELL confused here

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 0:09, Reply)
It's utterly stellar ACTUALLY

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:26, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:27, Reply)
Sadly I quite like this one

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:32, Reply)
I find it's very handy on messageboards

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:33, Reply)
Even ones where pictures are banned?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:34, Reply)
do such things even exist?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:35, Reply)

I hear that they do

In fact it's all you hear in some places
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:37, Reply)
you even put the tv script thing second in your list
like, oh, that tv thing, that's not important, let's talk about something else, oh what? tv script? yes, I am doing one of those, we can discuss it if you like, I have a masters degree in creative writing

yes, Oxford actually

god that was actually the shittest post I've ever seen here and believe me I've seen some shit posts here
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:50, Reply)
I can talk ab

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:52, Reply)
out tits if you prefer

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:52, Reply)
ok then, you start creative writing about tits
I'll produce
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 0:05, Reply)
I'm already pitching, am I doing this right?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 0:06, Reply)
You two should totally fuck

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:52, Reply)
I am doing, right now

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:57, Reply)
oh, you mean each other?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:57, Reply)
yeah, ok then

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:59, Reply)
we're playing in exeter on 2nd and 3rd of August
We don't tend to travel far to play. I willthe be in Cornwall at least one weekend though.

Tv script eh? Is it top secret or can you give me some more ?
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:26, Reply)
give it a rough rub xx

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 22:55, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:08, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:08, Reply)
You'll get over it
That crippling sense of apathy will get you in the end
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:11, Reply)
yeah, I stopped caring like 20 minutes ago, soz

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:13, Reply)
Way to piss on my point

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:16, Reply)
any time you want your points pissing on, I'm yer man

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:21, Reply)
Those fucking giant pictures piss on my chips
They make my iPad shrink all the font to stupid small. Ugh. Piss piss piss.

Also, man? I thought you were ot's other woman.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:23, Reply)
so adblock them, what's the difficulty?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:24, Reply)
My total retardafion about anything to do with computers

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:30, Reply)
+ and spelling

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:37, Reply)
Ha iPad fail

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:38, Reply)
Try scotchbrite

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:19, Reply)
Give it a rub.
Delighted to see the return of Vipros.

This thread needs more over sized images.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:32, Reply)
Your mum needs etc etc

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:32, Reply)
Life treating you well?

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:40, Reply)
Can't complain so I won't!
How's brizzle?
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:42, Reply)
I'm cat sitting
The Doris is at a funeral tomorrow.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:46, Reply)
Oh no, give her my love

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:49, Reply)
Not sure I'd really call it a return

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:36, Reply)
Well it's a post.

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:39, Reply)
Astute as ever

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:40, Reply)
Thanks very much.
*feels all proud*
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:42, Reply)
alright Vippers

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:41, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:41, Reply)
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 23:47, Reply)

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