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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Alright you bunch of workshy bastards?
Have you ever started a rumour?

Alt: Have you ever heard any outstanding rumours about yourself?
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:45, 69 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I'm very diligent

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:47, Reply)
Did you have a good time in Edinburgh?

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:49, Reply)
WITHABUS !!111!!
Edit: Ohhhhhhh Wait that was bartleby in Glasgow

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:49, Reply)
yer, nice place. I'd swap it for the Kilburn High Road any day. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING OF ???? Surely you can internet and video conference and all that gash instead, no?
London money goes a very long way there for Housing I noticed.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:57, Reply)
We've seriously considered it, but there aren't the jobs there and I couldn't work remotely enough of the time to make the move worthwhile.
Plus it's fucking cold there.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:00, Reply)
That's always the way innit. No matter how nice a place is the jobs and money are always in London blud

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:02, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:02, Reply)
I dunno like.
Companies like Standard Life pay extremely well at Director level, would you feasibly be able to switch industry?
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:25, Reply)
I don't want to work in Financial Services.
Dull. Dull. Dull.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Excellent benefits packages though.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:29, Reply)
Shut up I'm working
Someone once started a rumour that Al is a cunt, it wasn't me

Alt:There was a rumour at school that my house key opened the school stock room (also where all of the tuck shop items were kept), it was true.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:49, Reply)
Al is a cunt

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:57, Reply)
I have to click this now :(

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 7:59, Reply)
I'm going to start a rumour that one of you bastards has given me throataids.
I'm not happy. I've barely slept all night, and now I'm up and ready to go into town. I feel very sorry for mr b3th today.

Alt: I heard a ridiculous rumour that I'm old and fat. How crazy is that?
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:07, Reply)
What the hell *Checks Watch*

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:08, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:09, Reply)
Stop moaning you saggy old chunker.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:09, Reply)
You love it when I moan, you whoremongering shortarse.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:10, Reply)
I guess you read his new Sig.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:12, Reply)
Excellent series of sigs from young Mr B.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:13, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:18, Reply)
I heard the rumour that you have maximum Mod powers
But you're too stupid to workout how to use them.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:24, Reply)
I have indeed. One that's been on TV.
In 1991 I started a rumour about my friend Paul which still haunts him to this day to the extent that it is part of his standup routine (he is now a professional comedian). I said that I spotted him with his hands in the air during a live PA by dismal MOR dance act Rozalla at a rave in Basingstoke - and that he was crying. It stuck and he's never been allowed to forget it. Brilliantly over time other peope now 'remember seeing it' too. They can't have, because I made the whole thing up. In his standup he cites this as one reason why he hates going back to where he grew up. I'm so proud.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:15, Reply)
Needs MOAR Treworgey Tree Fayre

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
I've been working on this one:
That Anthony Gormley's Angel of the North is based on the profile of Maggie Thatcher. He became an admirer after the Saatchi brothers bank-rolled his early work. All those statues on the beach near St Helens, represent the hunt for Mark Thatcher after he was lost in the Sahara.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:23, Reply)
None of which detracts from your noncy perversions.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:24, Reply)
I don't have any.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Oh you're one of those "its perfectly natural" nonces are you?

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)
Jonathan King style

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:34, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:35, Reply)
He's a dedicated admirer of the Jonathan King defence.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:36, Reply)
Alt: Not quite relevant
but I once overheard a bloke in the bar of the Eagle Hotel in Winchester describe me to his mate as 'the roughest bird I've seen this year'.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:25, Reply)


(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Best/worst rumour about me:
I used to be a man.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:28, Reply)
As if anyone would believe that.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:30, Reply)
That's why rumours are so powerful.
The heady mix of mystery, eroticism, danger and violence.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)


(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:31, Reply)
I started a rumour that a former PM had died
Then it all got a little out of hand.

Alt: My reputation is flawless.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:30, Reply)
I started the rumour that you have soulful and beseeching eyes.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:31, Reply)
Yeah, it never really caught on

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:34, Reply)
Not really
I once started a rumour that some useless cunt at work was about to be fired and it got back to him. He went and asked the boss if he was going to be fired. I think that caused the bosses to pay more attention to him because he was fired a few days later for being a useless cunt.

Alt. No, they're all true
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:31, Reply)
I started a rumour that this is a shit thread.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)
That's no rumour.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:35, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:37, Reply)
That is a fact, not a rumour.
Good morning Joey.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
I have arisen in a tip-top mood once again.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:34, Reply)
I arose with a stonking erection and the need for a shit.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:35, Reply)

o i erection shit shit erection
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:38, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:41, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:41, Reply)
you should combine them in a powerful display of feculent priapism.
Swipola will be all over you.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:40, Reply)
Mrs B likes a bit of blumpkin eh?

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Thankfully not.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:43, Reply)
Bowie is number 4 in the UK Album chart and Monty is in a tip top mood
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:36, Reply)
What I like to do is illegally download it time and time again and just delete it.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:41, Reply)
Hahahaha Practicing for when Al adds you on Facebook

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
I was very disappointed when Al added me on facebook
He wasn't nearly as fat and bald as I hoped.
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
I started one that I wrote a Fleetwood Mac album

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
Sweet little lies.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:36, Reply)
Apparently I'm a bender
Not sure who started that one but everyone seems keen to take credit
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
I think you started it
by fucking men
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)

fucking men A whole ships compliment of Russian sailors
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:56, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:54, Reply)
All those pictures of me with the missus are blatantly overcompensating
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 8:59, Reply)
Gayers always tend to use fit birds as beards.

(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 9:00, Reply)
There's a very cruel comment to be made here about your missus
which I won't make
(, Tue 9 Apr 2013, 9:05, Reply)

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