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Hello Kids
its my 2nd to last day at work, and I need some excitement, any ideas for office games I can play to pass the time??!!!

Daz x
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 13:46, 13 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Hunt the stapler.
Speaks for itself really : )
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 13:52, Reply)
Hide the sausage*
*Needs other participants (preferably female)
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:08, Reply)
You throw slices of that processed cheese stuff at your clock, if it sticks you get SUPERDOUBLEMEGABONUS points.

Or tomato baseball, depends where you work really.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:09, Reply)
'Throw the stapler
at the annoying collegues' head' was always a favourite of mine :)
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:12, Reply)
Oooh! Ooooh! Ooooh!
I know! Leave extremely racist memorabilia everywhere, with pictures of Hitler and whatnot, and if anyone asks just blame the quiet, little, old, Christian lady who sits in the corner.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:14, Reply)
Post-it notes
were invented for this purpose.

Pick up a pad of said notes, and very carefully write little messages every so often. Like:

"are you missing me yet?"

"whose turn is it to buy cakes?"

"that shirt really compliments your eyes" (this one freaks them out if they're wearing a black shirt)

"I wouldn't have bought those shoes"

You won't see the result, but can enjoy a wee sneaky smile imagining it!
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:28, Reply)
Office steeplechase
Run around the office and jump over things.

If you don't like the place, you can make a water jump somewhere too...
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:34, Reply)
Like this

(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:39, Reply)
Do that ^
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 14:45, Reply)
Pin the tail on the boss.
Especially long drawing pins may be needed.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:46, Reply)
Catch the rapist
This will require preliminary activity however
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:46, Reply)
Thank you Madam Marlboro
I've just had to explain why I suddenly laughed very loudly in an otherwise eerily quiet office...
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:50, Reply)
go up to your boss
make pistol shapes with your hands, waggle them at him and say 'love your work'
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:56, Reply)

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