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The Weather Hates Me

I'm aware this may sound like the inane nonsense of a man who is both paranoid and deluded, but I believe I have a strong case to argue.

I spent this afternoon between relaxing in front of a DVD (The Castle FTW) and completing a recent assault on what was, until recently, a garden that Stig of the Dump would have been ashamed of.

I am by no means a green fingered individual, but it's nice to have a small patch in which one can relax of a sunny day, so I've made a bit of an effort and have created a satisfyingly pleasant environment for that very purpose.

And so it was, as I decided I'd dug more than enough holes for one day, I took a nicely chilled beer from the fridge, retrieved my book from the bathroom and settled down to enjoy the sun before it ran away and hid behind the house.

Of course, as I cracked open the can the clouds conspired against me and covered the sun. This wasn't the first time they'd done that today so I thought little of it. That is until they then decided to release their watery goodness all over my bald pate.

The bastards. They knew precisely what they were doing. Not just content with allowing the hot sun to make even harder work of my digging and forking, the weather then offered to put the boot well and truly in while I was down.

It hates me, and the feeling's mutual.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 19:10, 6 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
You are not alone....
It rains every time I get home from work and set off on my walk. It stops when I get back home and I know it doesn't rain before because the ground is dry when I set off.

I'm joining a gym : (
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 19:22, Reply)
You are not alone
it's the same with me too.

Although my garden is south facing the location of other buildings means the sun is gone by about 5.

When I had a job I would force myself to do all my chore before allowing myself to sit in the garden on my day off. I had to get out there as soon as I could to get the most sun.

Of course, all the time I was cleaning the kitchen and the like I could see the sunshine creeping across the garden.
No matter what time I finished I would get out there just as the clouds came. Bastards.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 19:38, Reply)
It takes the piss
I sit in an office all week when it can rain all it likes. Why does it have to wait until I want to sit in the sun, ffs.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 19:44, Reply)
Everytime my flatmate Luis mops the floors, it rains
and the cat ensures she comes in through the catflap seconds later, first having successfully covered the bottom of her paws with mud.
Last time this happened, Luis chased her around the kitchen with a cloth and wiped her feet, but not before she had left comedy paw-prints everywhere.
As soon as he let her go, she shot back out the catflap again, rendering the whole exercise pointless.
Well, not completely pointless - I laughed my arse off about it and felt very entertained.

You are not alone, Gunther. But at least you might have given your neighbours a laugh; perhaps that will bring you some comfort.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 19:49, Reply)
Be grateful you have a flatmate who even remotely considers cleaning something that they should do.


However, I went out picking blackberries today (domestic goddess that I am) and it waited until I had just walked through the door to downpour. So stick with me, lads.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 20:01, Reply)
I thought of you and your desire to meet Luis when I was on my way back from the shops. I had bought a 16 pack of toilet rolls and I met him on the way back to the house. 'Look,' I announced. 'This should keep us going for ages.'
'Yes love,' he replied. 'At least a week - but what about our bums?'
I didn't press him to find out what he intends using them for.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 20:07, Reply)

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