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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays.....
Upsy getsy, after a crap nights sleep, which involved a disturbing dream about being involved in a swimming pool orgy including the Spice Girls, where everyone turned out to be vampires, and there was limited garlic available.* And a speeding bus.**

Anyway, its 0700, the breakfasts have been made for the clan (1 x Grumpy, 1 x Sunny, and 1 x still akip), and I should be off to work.

This provides me with a problem in that I haven't got a job, and sadly have a funeral to attend later on as well. And I had a dream involving the Spice Girls. And vampires.***

Someone out there must be having an odder day than me. Anybody?

*Rubbing a clove of garlic over a metal barbecue skewer is not an effective substitute, I'm afraid. Luckily this was a zombie vampire wearing a Gyles Brandreth style sweater with his tallywhacker hanging out so I could kick him in the man-fruits and then out-run him.

**I am not mad.

***(In fact the Mrs was a vampire as well who suddenly 'vamped' and went for my neck, but (and this is important) she was only a cat sized vampire, so I could wallop her around the furniture a bit before staking her.)

I'm beginning to think I need my sub-conscious hoovered out, or possibly more tea.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 7:16, 3 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
More tea.
Tea solves everything!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 7:46, Reply)
I had a dream
About getting my skin eaten by wolves.

There was one holding each limb down, while a fifth one pulled the skin from my chest, in small strips.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 9:26, Reply)
My 30min journey to work took 2.5 hours this morning
And I have my passport with me just in case I cannot convince myself not to drive across Europe, into Asia and catch a boat to Australia...

Perhaps not as odd but definitely not good!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:02, Reply)

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