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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tits and cock!
It's a /talk invasion!
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:52, 30 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Bagsy the women!

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:53, Reply)
Nice story you posted Friz.
EDITED. I'm oh so terribly sorry.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:56, Reply)
We've already got tits and cocks.
But now we have twats....thank you : )
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:56, Reply)
Fuck off back to QOTW!

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:57, Reply)
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:58, Reply)

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:58, Reply)
But I like it here
You have deliciously soft meats.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:58, Reply)

Stop pandering to yet more interfreaks you'll never meet.
This bullying of JMG MUST END!
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 15:59, Reply)
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:00, Reply)
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:00, Reply)
You fuck off back to /talk
Before they lock the gates and you can't get back in.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:01, Reply)
BUT JMG, They need to be told how fat they are :(

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:02, Reply)
What links /talk and /QOTW is that you're all fat miseries who eventually blame JMG for your acne. or something.

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:03, Reply)
My belly
tells me how fat I am.

It's telling me right now: "hey fatty, get some food."

I'm so fat I have to use sticks to type.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:06, Reply)
Is there a point to this?


yeah, didn't think so.

Get lives, you silly little twits.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 16:35, Reply)
*Robot Dance under the Waterfall of Gravy Tears*

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:08, Reply)
Is /talk really that shit?

(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:23, Reply)
It must be MM
Why else would they post over here so often?

I think they really want to be friends, but, like the primary school boy who pulls the hair of the girl he likes, they don't really know how to go about it.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:28, Reply)
This betterness confuses me
/board- make inventive pictures, discuss them and chat

/questions- write good stories, discuss them and chat

/talk- chat

If any of them need to be made redundant, /talk is the only section that has no additional win.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:37, Reply)
If they closed /talk down, these people would be hanging around here and /board bitching about the layout even more than they already do.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:39, Reply)
I wonder why they give a shit?
I talk on here because I like the people, that's the bottom line.

I couldn't give a monkeys what anyone else does on this site or anywhere else if it doesn't affect me in any way.

so why do they feel need to come and spill their putrid mind-vomit on OT?
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:49, Reply)
That's what gets me.

Why on earth would you be so hostile to someone who shares the same site?

Especially when it's done in a way that's so rarely even mildly amusing.

Meh, each to their own, I suppose.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:00, Reply)
it puzzles me
and I don't like being puzzled

however, I have just learnt to play and sing Bad Guys from Bugsy Malone and will be getting my band to cover it in a punk stylee.

this please me greatly
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:01, Reply)
That's very cool.
We worked out a cover of So You Wanna Be A Boxer, but we never played it out.

Maybe next gig.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:07, Reply)
trying to get our singer to remember the words
will be the hard part, but I figure it's the only cover we will do, so having a lyric sheet will be acceptable
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:14, Reply)
Lyric sheets
are more than acceptable for covers.

Still being at work at 20 past 6, however, is completely unacceptable. I'm going home.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:21, Reply)
What I'm a but curious about
is exactly what they mean by "wobbling" at someone. I take it this is one of those bits of slang that's unique to their little pink half of the drainpipe that people who aren't cool enough to hang with them won't understand? And what's with the obsession with peoples' weight? Is it to make up for their own lack of functional genitalia?

On the other hand, never mind- I'm really not that curious. I don't think it's something I really need to know about.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:48, Reply)
When fat people get angry, they wobble. Everyone on the internet is fat.

It's hardly high comedy, is it.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 18:53, Reply)
So that's it, then? That's the best they can muster? This is all the wit they have to offer?


*sigh* A battle of wits with unarmed people. Lovely. It's like being gummed to death by a swarm of goldfish.
(, Thu 11 Sep 2008, 19:04, Reply)

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