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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Audio editing, actually
I was just taking issue with your statement that a 3 year old computer couldn't run a program that uses that much RAM - it certainly can!

Agreed on Vista - my Vista test bed machine at work (we're on XP still, and will be as long as I have any say in it) is pretty pimping, and it's not what you'd call fast.

I'd love to see how you get XP running smoothly on 256 - I know it says it on the box but even set to 'adjust for best performance', Classic mode etc your average user's still got a bunch of stuff in the system tray (sorry, notification area!), AV etc, even MS Office is pretty bloated these days, and people rarely only run one or two apps at a time. It will run on 256 but I don't find it a fun experience. Even 512 is usually pretty laggy, hence why I said a gig. At work we have a mix of late P4s (800FSB ones) and some newer C2D, all the users are doing is Office, our bespoke database software and a bit of web surfing and we've got them all on 2GB. Makes it a lot smoother when they decide to open 28 spreadsheets, 5 Word docs and all their emails at the same time...
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:15, Reply)

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