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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tis a good point, I suppose 'serving their time' seems a bit of an odd phrase when you actually think about it.

I think it's due to the fact that we hear of the family of the victim being pleased with the sentence handed down to the accused, because it means that – in their eyes – the accused will be adequately punished. When they have that punishment shortened, that can cause all kinds of hell for the victim's family. I think that’s why people get annoyed when we hear of a drink driver who killed a family, was sentenced to 4 years, and is out in 2, because they haven’t served their punishment adequately.

I was not referring to public fury as a change for anything, it was simply a reference point for what could happen in the future when these criminals are free to walk the streets again. If they serve their full sentence, they should be allowed to get on with their lives. If they don’t, many people won’t let them get on with their lives.

I agree with how it’s not possible on the education front, which is why I think a rewards scheme should be in place, but only a very basic one, like a child, i.e. do your homework, and you can watch TV.

Modify it, start making an effort in lessons/workshops/however the bloody hell they learn, start to offer them extra privileges, be it an extra hour outside, or longer visiting hours. Don’t give them a PS3/Xbox/etc, they lost their right to treats when they ended up there.

This could come out as utter waffle, hope not.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 11:45, Reply)

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